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How does carbon technology improve battery performance

0 Published by admin Nov 30,2020

Lead - Carbon battery: high temperature characteristics

BULLSPOWER LEAD CARBON BATTERY has excellent thermal management properties due to the good thermal conductivity of carbon / graphite.

BULLSPOWER LEAD CARBON BATTERY can not only distribute their own heat, but also absorb the heat from the positive plate and the battery. Therefore, the use of carbon reinforced electrode made of the battery, the electrochemical reaction can produce heat when the heat quickly out of the battery. Compared with the traditional lead-acid batteries, which greatly reduces the possibility of thermal runaway, to achieve the battery at a cool and appropriate temperature to run.

Lead - Carbon battery: Charging capacity

★ Integrated lead carbon battery can accept the maximum charge current is ordinary lead-acid battery 300%

★ E. g:

★ -BULLSPOWER lead carbon battery 5hrs vs. ordinary lead-acid battery 10hrs @ C15min discharge, 100% charge

★ -BULLSPOWER lead carbon battery 10 hrs vs. general lead acid battery> 17hrs @ C / 10 discharge, 100% charge

★ Charging time reduced by 50%!


Lead carbon battery: Charging time and discharge depth

Charging time and discharge depth curve


How does carbon join improve the cycling performance in the partially charged state (PSOC)?

1 Conductivity:

Even if PbSO4 with electrical insulating properties is continuously increased, the carbon particles can maintain the conductivity of the active material. Thus, even if the plate resistance increases, these conductive paths will help to charge.

2 Crystal growth restrictions:

The carbon can prevent the PbSO4 crystal from growing progressively, maintaining the surface area and improving the charging characteristics

3 Inhibition of hydrogen evolution:

The specific form of carbon contains an element that suppresses the generation of hydrogen by the negative electrode, thereby improving the charging efficiency.

4 Contribution to Capacitance:

The added carbon can act as an asymmetric supercapacitor, charge the charge at a higher rate in the double layer, and spontaneously discharge, convert PbSO4 to lead.

5 Hydrogen is embedded in the layered structure of graphite:

The structure of graphite is conducive to the embedding of hydrogen atoms, maintaining the capacity of the battery.

BULLSPOWER Lead carbon battery excellent cycle performance (25 degrees and 35 degrees)


For more about manufacturing Lead Carbon Battery products, please visit